INTEGRATION – Project Kick-off Meeting

Published by Dario Scaramuzzi on

The primary objective of the INTEGRATION project is to evaluate whether the addition of IPTp-SP to SMC delivery can increase coverage and timeliness of IPTp-SP and promote ANC attendance among pregnant women in Mali and Burkina-Faso.

The study results will be used to inform policy and practice in each country leading to improved policies, programmes, and practices for the malaria prevention in pregnant women, with potential to impact policy in other SMC countries (Niger, Senegal, Chad, etc.). Research outcomes will be disseminated through networking, dissemination, and communication strategies.

This meeting will be the opportunity to exchange between the INTEGRATION Researchers, Stakeholders and Decision/Policy-Makers. The mutual understanding of the research and decision-making processes will increase the impact of INTEGRATION. The learning from which other will facilitate the implementation of this research and the policy update based on the research findings, for the benefit of the vulnerable populations in the countries involved. For this reason, the topics will be shared to feed discussions about all aspect of the project, in order to get effective strategic directions, approaches, work-packages (WPs) organization, milestones and timelines, fund release and priorities.

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