MIM 8th Pan African Malaria Conference 2024

The 8th Pan-African Malaria Conference took place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 21st to 27th April 2024 and was themed around ‘Grassroots Mobilisation to End Malaria: Invest, Innovate & Integrate’.

The conference provided a unique opportunity to convene global experts in the field of malaria to discuss the importance of grassroots efforts, innovation and research, in developing new tools and technologies, for the prevention and treatment of this disease.

Some of the INTEGRATION team members took part in this event.

On 23rd April, Professor Kassoum Kayentao, the coordinator of INTEGRATION, attended a poster session.

He presented a poster titled “Effectiveness of community-based approaches to improving ANC and IPTp-SP uptake in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review, meta-analysis, meta-ethnography, and economic assessment” on behalf of Kadiatou Koita, one of the PhD students involved in the project.

During the same day, Professor Kayentao also attended a symposium discussion about malaria in pregnancy.

On 25th April, Joel D. Bognini, the other PhD student of the INTEGRATION project, presented orally his scientific abstract themed “Could the utilization of the seasonal malaria chemoprevention channel in children improve coverage of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnant women in Mali and Burkina Faso?”.
